120: The Realities of Photographing Cookbooks with Clay Williams


Kristin and Molly speak with photographer Clay Williams about the financial realities and logistics around cookbook photography. Clay shares what he wishes authors knew before embarking on the photography portion of their book and what spurred his viral Thread about the finances behind photoshoots. He speaks about assuming the role of project manager, unexpected expenses, his typical workflow and the essential roles on a set. He shares why he continues to be interested in cookbook photography, his artistic approach to projects and what has and hasn't changed about the industry since he started.

Hosts: Kate Leahy + Molly Stevens + Kristin Donnelly + Andrea Nguyen

Editor: Abby Cerquitella

Clay Williams

Crystal Wahpahpeh

Black Food Folks

Episode 41: Writing a Bestselling Cookbook in Your 80s with Emily Meggett and Kayla Stewart

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119: Jenny Rosenstrach on Cookbooks That Chronicle Family Life