63: On Rejection and Recovery


Today all four hosts sit down to discuss the realities of rejection. They share their own experiences with being turned down along with advice and tips on how to turn that into a learning strategy. They talk about what to keep in mind while waiting for responses, the pain of silent rejections and how they deal with negative comments and bad reviews. Finally, they encourage writers to know their "why", ask questions, build community and to become experienced instead of embittered (with a dash of rejection revenge!).

Hosts: Kate Leahy + Molly Stevens + Kristin Donnelly + Andrea Nguyen

Editor: Abby Cerquitella

Episode 19: Do Cookbook Awards Matter? | Charlotte Druckman


Jane Friedman

Visit the Everything Cookbooks Bookshop to purchase a copy of the books mentioned in the show


64: 'Do Only the Cool Kids Get Book Deals' and Other Community Questions


62: Single Subject Cookbooks with Martha Holmberg