65: Podcasting about Cookbooks with Brian Hogan Stewart


Kate, Molly and Kristin speak with fellow podcaster Brian Hogan Stewart, of the Salt & Spine podcast. They chat about his career path, the origins of the show and how it has evolved since it began. Brian shares how his journalistic background and love of cookbooks led him to podcasting, how he learned the technical side of things and how he fits it all in his busy schedule. Finally, he describes what goes into a good interview, shares some advice for aspiring podcasters and also what kind of shows he hopes to hear in the future.

Hosts: Kate Leahy + Molly Stevens + Kristin Donnelly + Andrea Nguyen

Editor: Abby Cerquitella

Brian Hogan Stewart

The Civic Kitchen

Competition Kitchen Game

Whetstone Radio Collective

Milk Street Radio

Visit the Everything Cookbooks Bookshop to purchase a copy of the books mentioned in the show


66: Becoming Your Own Publisher with Katie Parla


64: 'Do Only the Cool Kids Get Book Deals' and Other Community Questions