71: Building Your Instagram Following with Ara Zada


Kate and Kristin speak with Ara Zada all about content creation and becoming a social media influencer. Ara shares his decision to pursue a large following and grow his platform as well as how a health scare motivated this choice. He describes a day in his life and the full time requirements of this work as well as the mental toll it can take due to its instant nature, algorithm changes, comments, trolls, monetization strategies and banned content. He talks about the inter-relatedness of his book to his online presence, how he evolves his content over time and a sneak peek into what he is working on next.

Hosts: Kate Leahy + Molly Stevens + Kristin Donnelly + Andrea Nguyen

Editor: Abby Cerquitella

Ara Zada

LA Times Article

A journey to Armenia through food: The Armenian bread that’s at the heart of every meal

Practical Kitchen Instagram

Visit the Everything Cookbooks Bookshop to purchase a copy of the books mentioned in the show

  • Lavash by Ara Zada and Kate Leahy


72: Nichole Accettola and Malena Watrous on Co-Authoring Scandinavian From Scratch


70: Native California Recipes and Stories with Sara Calvosa Olson