80: From Co-Author to Bestselling Solo Author with Adeena Sussman


Kristin and Kate speak with cookbook author Adeena Sussman about her career, her new book and what its like working with Chrissy Teigen. A self described "late bloomer" Adeena shares her experience collaborating on over a dozen books, how she got her start and what she learned on the job as she hustled her way into food media. She talks about how she sees herself and her audience, what shabbat means to her and how she views social media recipe development. Finally, she discusses the value she sees in book events, how she stays organized and what her next book is about.

Hosts: Kate Leahy + Molly Stevens + Kristin Donnelly + Andrea Nguyen

Editor: Abby Cerquitella

Adeena Sussman

The Little Rituals That Keep Us Going - The New York Times

Visit the Everything Cookbooks Bookshop to purchase a copy of the books mentioned in the show 


81: “Do we really test all the recipes?” Season 4 Wrap-Up


79: Collaborating with Family on a Cookbook with the Wang Sisters